
Leadership; Why Consistency is Important

True leadership is about the accumulation of small actions that demonstrate care for individuals and their success, efforts and contribution. These actions build a foundation of trust and loyalty. It is like brushing your teeth or working out; it’s not a one-time event but a series of regular, consistent actions that make a significant impact over time. Leadership is not defined by grand gestures or intensity but by consistency and service to others.

The video titled “Leadership Explained in 5 minutes by Simon Sinek,” Simon Sinek discusses the essence of leadership through a concise and impactful message. He draws an analogy between leadership and practices like love, exercise, and family, emphasizing that leadership is not defined by grand gestures or intensity but by consistency and service to others.

Leadership, according to Sinek, is a choice rather than a position. It’s about making the decision to serve others and to do so consistently, which in turn fosters a strong corporate culture where team members view each other as family, sharing common beliefs and values

This approach to leadership ensures a long-term impact, creating an environment where people are inspired to follow not because they have to, but because they want to, driven by a clear understanding of the ‘why’ behind their actions